ASIATIC Lily Bouquet
ASIATIC Lily Bouquet
A gorgeous brightener to any room, a bouquet of one flower - asiatic lilies - is an elegant way to send your love and care. These are non-scented lilies that we will send out in tight bud, so your recipient gets the maximum enjoyment.
Pictured is the standard size. Petite is inspired by this look, but with fewer lily stems.
Due to seasonal restraints not all colours available.
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Delivery info
Delivery info
Same-day delivery times
- By 5pm to Hamilton businesses, when ordered by 2pm
Delivery surcharges:
- Free local delivery to Hamilton suburban addresses
- For rural and out-of-town deliveries, a surcharge is applied in the checkout
Seasonal flower inclusion
Seasonal flower inclusion
Please note that pictures are only an example of colour and style - due to availability and the seasonal nature of flowers, the actual ones we send on the day will differ. We send out all our bouquets with flowers in tight bud so they arrive fresh and beautiful, and last longer for your recipient!
Substitution policy
Substitution policy
Please note that some products, may be replaced with a similar product to the same or greater value depending on stock availability. Because we support small, local businesses who supply us with small batches of lovingly handmade products, some items may slightly differ from those pictured.